Friday, August 7, 2009

Saturday arvo in Regressionville

Was it a smart idea to move back with the parentals in order to "save money"? Depends who's judging the smarts. If I were my mother, the answer would be yes. She told me I could stay for as long as I wanted, that there was no need to move out. This is the same woman who wants me to marry and have kids. Not really sure how a 29 year old living with their olds is supposed to start a relationship with someone who'll stick around long enough to tie the knot and have kids, but hey, those technicalities are easy to iron out, right? Yeeeehhhhhh ....

Other people to be judging my decision would be me, and other people like me. I can see their minds ticking over already. Aren't you too old to be living at home? Why can't you afford to pay rent AND save money? What are you earning anyway? Don't you live, like, I dunno, a THOUSAND MILES away from where you work anyway? Where the fuck do you live? I think it's these thoughts that are plaguing me the most. I feel like I am regressing, big time. I am, to be fair, saving a lot of money. I haven't saved this much since forever. But it's hard to watch people I went to school with buy houses, travel, get married, have babies etc. when my biggest worry right now is the fact that I have $6.00 in my bank account and I get paid next Friday. I refuse to take money out of my savings account though. Does anyone even have an ING account at my age, or is that soooooo 2002?

In the meantime, I've started a Cert IV in Financial Business at TAFE. I've done 1 chapter of a textbook so far. Yeh, should probably get more done ... but I'm going to the movies tonight (in the city - I know, RANDOM!) so I might not start on it today since I'm giving myself 2 hours to get dressed and get there, and it's 3pm now.

Regression's a bitch, but I'm gonna have to milk it for all it's worth. I just keep thinking "no rent to pay, no rent to pay, no rent to pay". I wish I was on a deserted island somewhere, doing something exotic like .... playing Survivor.

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